Y chromosome and mtDNA study of modern Middle Eastern populations (Badro et al. 2013)
On the other hand, it is quite possible that some of the L3* in the Near East does not represent recent admixture, but rather native forms of L3 with deep ancestry in the region. If that is the case, then the Near East will emerge as the origin of L3, with M, N representing Out-of-Near East-into-Eurasia founders, and the various L3*(xM, N) representing Out-of-Near East-into-Africa founders.
It is difficult to say at present what will turn out to be the case. Ancient DNA has the potential of resolving this issue, because if L3*(xM, N) in Eurasia is really recent (e.g., associated with Islamic/Arab dispersals spanning Africa and Eurasia), then it ought to be missing from the earliest genetic layers.
Also of interest the geographical distribution of Y-haplogroups; nothing much new here, but still useful as a reference:
PLoS ONE 8(1): e54616. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054616
Y-Chromosome and mtDNA Genetics Reveal Significant Contrasts in
Affinities of Modern Middle Eastern Populations with European and
African Populations
Danielle A. Badro et al.
The Middle East was a funnel of human expansion out of Africa, a staging
area for the Neolithic Agricultural Revolution, and the home to some of
the earliest world empires. Post LGM expansions into the region and
subsequent population movements created a striking genetic mosaic with
distinct sex-based genetic differentiation. While prior studies have
examined the mtDNA and Y-chromosome contrast in focal populations in the
Middle East, none have undertaken a broad-spectrum survey including
North and sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, and Middle Eastern populations. In
this study 5,174 mtDNA and 4,658 Y-chromosome samples were investigated
using PCA, MDS, mean-linkage clustering, AMOVA, and Fisher exact tests
of FST's, RST's, and haplogroup frequencies. Geographic differentiation
in affinities of Middle Eastern populations with Africa and Europe
showed distinct contrasts between mtDNA and Y-chromosome data. Specifically,
Lebanon's mtDNA shows a very strong association to Europe, while Yemen
shows very strong affinity with Egypt and North and East Africa.
Previous Y-chromosome results showed a Levantine coastal-inland contrast
marked by J1 and J2, and a very strong North African component was
evident throughout the Middle East. Neither of these patterns were
observed in the mtDNA. While J2 has penetrated into Europe, the
pattern of Y-chromosome diversity in Lebanon does not show the
widespread affinities with Europe indicated by the mtDNA data. Lastly,
while each population shows evidence of connections with expansions
that now define the Middle East, Africa, and Europe, many of the
populations in the Middle East show distinctive mtDNA and Y-haplogroup
characteristics that indicate long standing settlement with relatively
little impact from and movement into other populations.
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